
Uganda Culture image

We celebrate Uganda's culture and heritage.

Language is more than the sounds, symbols, and gestures we use to communicate. It is also an expression of who we are as individuals and communities. Culture is more than our social systems and shared values, beliefs, or patterns of behavior. It is also the environment in which our languages develop, which influences how they are used and interpreted.

Ugandans speak more than 40 languages. Many use a language they learned first at home, as well as other languages which are more widely used. For people who speak multiple languages, there is often more than one they can use for expressing their dreams and emotions, their ideas and culture.

Language and culture cannot be separated. Effective use of (or work with) a language requires a good understanding of the associated cultures. Language and culture studies thus provide a necessary foundation for language development work of all kinds. SIL Uganda engages in this vital research, and shares its knowledge via multiple resources such as Ethnologue and our own Uganda Language & Culture Archives.



Kampala Market scene

Culture: a Window on Language

SIL's work with a language community most often begins with a phase of assessment and survey. Culture study plays a significant role in these first steps...

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Uganda boys dancing

Media: Windows on a Culture

A community involved in language development can use a wide range of vernacular media, new and old, to express its culture and address its goals.

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Uganda celebration speaker

Endorsed by Ugandans:

"Thank you to SIL. This partnership sets a foundation for future efforts and achievements..."
— Charles Batambuze, Chairman, UMLEN

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